Saturday, September 21, 2013

Petz 4!: What?

So, in my dragon project I had a dog I named 'What?' She was 4th generation and ended up all over my genepool.

I've decided to, after Madness's awesomeness, breed Sheepeater and Foxdragon together LOTS OF TIMES. Eight, in fact, NOT including Madness. Here are my results! This pair has a huge amount of variety between them

I use PetzA, as my game won't run without it.

Grl, Female
Puppy, Female
 Darle, Male
 Sprinkle, Male
 Mubz, Female
 Tizzie, Female
 Lazzy, Female
 Tommy, Female

As before, I'm willing to share these if asked, so drop your email below or send me a message at I'm pretty please with the results - no two are alike! I was expecting more scales to appear after Grl, but i'm not unhappy with it.

I also bred Growl, the lovechild of Bug and Tommy, out of curiousity of what his offspring would look like because they had the most similar colors. Here comes those green scales again..

This population is separate from my main population. They're kind of my own sub-breed I suppose and they're pretty fun to play with, being cool and unpredictable and all.

I might download another dragon breed and interbreed them, but I think keeping seperate 'hybridized' populations based on what the main hybrid is, is my best choice.

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