After some tinkering in live GMS, I created these guys: The sheeple.
The base of their genome was a splice of a CFE black desert norn (part of a genetic breed which can be downloaded here) and a CFE ettin. The genetics were then edited with the following quirks:
Appearance genes were changed to be a mixture of Yettin and Astro sprites, and to be undeletable and unduplicatable. The tail appearance gene was given max mutability, because the originals don't have tails at all.
On top of this they're given anti-inbreeding genes, and most instincts aside from travel and sleep are unexpressed
All i've noticed so far, is that they get scared when crowded - perhaps an ettin trait - and their pigment genes, thanks to their norn inheritance, have max mutability aswell.
Just my blunder in genetics for the day; variety in instinctless norns is always good.
I wouldn't call them a breed: Just an experiment. Plus, it's based partly on someone else's so that would be stealing, right? The anti-inbreeding genes don't work,and they seem to be prone to producing right-walkers, so i removed the bad extra genes in the version i'm using. I saved a norn for some variety (there's that word again), though.
If there's one thing I don't like about yettin sprites, it's the size. At the same time, it makes them extra cute, so all's good.
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