Sunday, September 15, 2013

Wolfling Run :: September!

We have been here for a very long time, in our time. Our hand has not watched over us. We have evolved into our own, and we watch over ourselves. We like it this way. We never needed the hand to begin with.

Before it left, the hand designed this strange contraption. It takes our eggs, and prevents our world from flooding with them due to our promiscuous nature, and it returns our young to our birthplace.

We call it home, but it's not. We go.. elsewhere, when we grow older and wiser. But not all of us.

Our young ones stay here until they know better. Adequate food, it's not here.

Only enough to satisfy a few.

There were others before us, but this is the only trace of them.

We travel elsewhere. We love the feeling of doors. They're exhilating, intoxicating. To some of us, doors and women, doors and men - that's all that matters. We can't stop them. They're a part of us.

The ones who are smarter than that get past the doors, and they go to our home. They are sober, clean, and happier than the rest of us. Life rewards them. We put our hopes on their survival.

Sometimes, even that isn't enough. Some of our women are stuck with egg forever, and endlessly pace near the heater of our home, waiting for their time to come. And it never will. And they'll never know.

Kugi is downloadable here.


  1. What are those red pods next to the eggs, if you don't mind my asking?

  2. Those are Lavaball - 4. They're downloadable here:

    Basically, any norn who touches them is transported to the red dots (by the learning room) automatically. They're useful for automating various things.
